Curtis Harding/Jazmine Sullivan《Our Love》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Curtis Harding/Jazmine Sullivan《Our Love》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-10 22:15:44472A+A-

There's a girl in town and words gone around

城里有个姑娘 流言特别多

She's just fine


So I don't worry my head


Cause I know her heart is tied to mine

因为我知道 她倾心于我

The life that we live and the love that I give to her


Each day it grows more and more I'm sure it shows


Our love is a bubbling fountain

我们的爱 如泉汩汩

Our love that flows into a sea

我们的爱 奔流到海

Our love deeper than any ocean

我们的爱 比海更深

Our love for eternity

我们的爱 恒守深驻

Like Sunday I pray our love will always stay pure


While the world turns around he holds me down for sure

当世界天翻地覆 她必然挺身相护

Our love is a bubbling fountain

我们的爱 如泉汩汩

Our love that flows into a sea

我们的爱 奔流到海

Our love deeper than any ocean

我们的爱 比海更深

Our love for eternity

我们的爱 恒守深驻

And after all the rain will fall on us too


But I'll keep moving on proud and strong with you

我也会与你携手 抬头挺胸 坚强如故

Our love is a bubbling fountain

我们的爱 如泉汩汩

Our love that flows into a sea

我们的爱 奔流到海

Our love deeper than any ocean

我们的爱 比海更深

Our love for eternity

我们的爱 恒守深驻

Our love our love our love our love

我们的爱,我们的爱 ,我们的爱 ,我们的爱


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  • BetterMan2024-06-16 20:36:22
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