Brantley Gilbert《Hell On Wheels》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Brantley Gilbert《Hell On Wheels》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-10 21:28:26484A+A-

So man you think you wanna run whiskey

Roll mewith

Hoss you better listen good and clear

And if you gotta badge

Or a big mouth brother

You ain't got no business here

Boy this here is a moonshine still

Can't you smell that whiskey burn

This is how the big dogs run

Boy you're ridin' shotgun

Buckle up, and let's have some fun

Ridin' 95 down the highway

Sideways, runnin' from ol' John Law

I got the booze in the boot

Move it over Bo Duke

Make room for a real outlaw

Duct tape on that license plate

And a six gun in the dash

Thunder in the hood

Heaven from a still

Lightnin' in a jar

And brother I'm hell on wheels

Said I'm hell on wheels

Just nine more miles until the state line

We're on time and we lost Barney's blues

So you can open your eyes

You done fine

And danger's part of what we do

Now when we make that drop

We're gonna pop topa

You gotta lesson left to learn

It ain't wine, don't sip it

Make it bubble when ya hit

Let it burn, baby, burn

And we'll be ridin' 95 down the highway

Sideways, runnin' from ol' John Law

I got the booze in the boot

Move it over Bo Duke

Make room for a real outlaw

Duct tape on that license plate

And a six gun in the dash

Thunder in the hood

Heaven from a still

Lightnin' in a jar

And brother I'm hell on wheels

Said I'm hell on wheels

Ridin' 95 down the highway

Sideways, runnin' from ol' John Law

I got the booze in the boot

Move it over Bo Duke

Make room for a real outlaw

Duct tape on that license plate

And a six gun in the dash

Thunder in the hood

Heaven from a still

Lightnin' in a jar

Ridin' 95 down the highway

Sideways, runnin' from ol' John Law

I got the booze in the boot

Move it over Bo Duke

Make room for a real outlaw

Duct tape on that license plate

And a six gun in the dash

Thunder in the hood

Heaven from a still

Lightnin' in a jar

Brother I'm hell on wheels

Said I'm hell on wheels

Brother I'm hell on wheels yeah

Said I'm hell on wheels


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