Fly By Midnight《Vibe》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Fly By Midnight《Vibe》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-10 20:54:10538A+A-

I throw it your way you're catchin' my vibe

I throw it your way you're catchin' my vibe

I throw it your way your way your way

I throw it your way your way your way

Call me Christopher Columbus

'Cause I know you're across the room

So I'mma drink till I float

And I'll find a way to discover you

Your body talk like Tove Lo

Speak to me like ooh-la

Let that record spin like yo-yo oh no

Here we go

Sex dr*gs rock the wave ooh

Slow go deep for me ooh

I throw it your way you're catchin' my vibe

I throw it your way you're catchin' my vibe

I throw it your way your way your way

I throw it your way your way your way

Better not drop that sh*t

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe sexual desire

Better not drop that sh*t

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe ooh that vibe

You're like Twizzlers on the top shelf

Sweet tooth so I need a taste

Too high I can't help myself

And it won't stop till I reach you babe

Sex dr*gs rock the wave ooh

Slow go deep for me ooh

I throw it your way you're catchin' my vibe

I throw it your way you're catchin' my vibe

I throw it your way your way your way

I throw it your way your way your way

Better not drop that sh*t

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe sexual desire

Better not drop that sh*t

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe ooh that vibe

I throw it your way you're catchin' my vibe

I throw it your way you're catchin' my vibe

I throw it your way your way your way

I throw it your way your way your way

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe sexual desire

Better not drop that sh*t

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe ooh that vibe

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe sexual desire

Better not drop that sh*t

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe ooh that vibe

Ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe sexual desire

I say now ooh that vibe


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