Vicetone《Fix You》[MP3-320K/8M]百度云盘下载

Vicetone《Fix You》[MP3-320K/8M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-16 14:49:34517A+A-

I could be the remedy


For your soul for your soul


Call me your physician


I'll make you home make you home

我会带你回家 回家

So let me fix you when you're low

因此当你沮丧消沉 让我来给你鼓舞

Let me hold you when you're cold

当你寒冷无助 让我拥你入怀

Let me treat you right let me treat you right

请允许我好好爱你 好好爱你

So let me fix you when you're low

因此当你沮丧消沉 让我来给你鼓舞

Let me hold you when you're cold

当你寒冷无助 让我拥你入怀

Let me treat you right let me treat you right

请允许我好好爱你 好好爱你

So let me fix you


Tell me when you're hurt

当你受伤 请你告诉我

And I'll be there I'll be there

我会伴你左右 伴你左右

And you've got things to keep


Let me care let me care

让我来为你遮风挡雨 遮风挡雨

So let me fix you when you're low

因此当你沮丧消沉 让我来给你鼓舞

Let me hold you when you're cold

当你寒冷无助 让我拥你入怀

Let me treat you right let me treat you right

请允许我好好爱你 好好爱你

So let me fix you when you're low

因此当你沮丧消沉 让我来给你鼓舞

Let me hold you when you're cold

当你寒冷无助 让我拥你入怀

Let me treat you right let me treat you right

请允许我好好爱你 好好爱你

So let me fix you when you're low

因此当你沮丧消沉 让我来给你鼓舞

Let me hold you when you're cold

当你寒冷无助 让我拥你入怀

Let me treat you right let me treat you right

请允许我好好爱你 好好爱你

So let me fix you when you're low

因此当你沮丧消沉 让我来给你鼓舞

Let me hold you when you're cold

当你寒冷无助 让我拥你入怀

Let me treat you right let me treat you right

请允许我好好爱你 好好爱你

Who you gonna call when you need that

当你需要帮助 你会给谁打电话

Who you gonna call when you need that fix

当你需要慰藉 你会给谁打电话

Who you gonna call when you need that

当你需要帮助 你会给谁打电话

Who you gonna call when you need that fix

当你需要慰藉 你会给谁打电话

Who you gonna call when you need that

当你需要帮助 你会给谁打电话

Who you gonna call when you need that fix

当你需要慰藉 你会给谁打电话

Who you gonna call when you need that

当你需要帮助 你会给谁打电话

Who you gonna call


So let me fix you


So let me fix you when you're low

因此当你沮丧消沉 让我来给你鼓舞

Let me hold you when you're cold

当你寒冷无助 让我拥你入怀

Let me treat you right let me treat you right

请允许我好好爱你 好好爱你

So let me fix you when you're low

因此当你沮丧消沉 让我来给你鼓舞

Let me hold you when you're cold

当你寒冷无助 让我拥你入怀

Let me treat you right let me treat you right

请允许我好好爱你 好好爱你


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