Eminem/X Ambassadors《Bad Husband》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Eminem/X Ambassadors《Bad Husband》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-16 18:16:31482A+A-

We never saw from each other's sides, or eye to eye

我们从未设身处地为对方着想过 也不曾试着互相理解

Just eye for eye, lie for lie, fight or flight

我们一味地以眼还眼互相伤害 不是冲突就是逃避

So much baggage, need a luggage rack

我们有着太过沉重的包袱 无法以肉体凡胎去负荷

But we carry on with our public spats and our feuds


Oh, back in the news, love taps when I dissed you

噢 我对你饱含爱意的羞辱与轻蔑再次成为新闻焦点

Like it was fun, actually used to run

仿佛这很有意思 实际是我的烂招

Back to the booth, jump back in the studio

回到曾经的那个破木棚 退回那间狭小的工作室

Give you a tongue lashing, then you

狠狠地训斥你一顿 然后你

Laughed at a stomach tat with the tomb stone


It was funny, back in our youth

这样多有意思 回到我们的青春岁月

But then it wasn’t after we knew


That we were done and actually through (and actually through)

我们就这样结束了关系 彻底一刀两断

But if there's one fraction of truth

然而有一样事却是我真心所愿 (那就是)

If it could be spun back I would do so many things different

若一切还能挽回 我愿意洗心革面重新做人

'Cause it was such a dumbass excuse


You hit me once, and that I would use

你只不过伤害了我一次 而我却怀恨在心

To continue the pattern of abuse


Why did I punch back?


Girls, your dad is a scumbag

女儿们, 你们的爸爸就是个渣滓

I’m confused because


How come you can be a lord and a loser

你怎会被奉若神明 却亦是个烂人

How come, how come, you can be a liar and a good father?

怎会如此 你怎会既是个骗子 又是个好父亲

A good dad, but a bad husband

是个好爸爸 却不是个合格的丈夫

Why are you a good father


A great dad, but a bad husband?

能当个好爸爸 偏偏做不成好丈夫?

You were the beat I loved with a writer's block


Just a line that's hot, that I forgot

就那么一行妙语 让我忘记了现状

We laughed a little, cried a lot

我们欢笑的时刻少得可怜 总是在声嘶力竭地争吵

I'll never forget when you came home and you held Hailie

我永远忘不了 那天你回到家中 你拥抱了我们的宝贝女儿海莉

Day before you went to jail and daily


How we would wait for that mail lady


Or by the phone, for mom to call


And I watch you pull yourself up


And we decided on giving it one more try despite it all

尽管有着诸多心结 我们还是决定再试一次

You're my lightning rod when my sky gets dark

当我的天空乌云密布 你就是让我心安的避雷针

I'm your shiny rocks in that tiny box


When we tied the knot, when we broke the knot

我们再次步入婚姻殿堂 却又再次分道扬镳

Every line we crossed, we were supposed to not

我们的每一次结合 都注定是孽缘

Every time we fought, being stones they got

每当我们攻击彼此 那些出格的侮辱…

Thrown too far


Words that we said that we didn't mean

我们说着违心的话 恶意中伤对方

The words that we meant that we didn’t say

而那些真心话 我们却都缄口不言

The ones that we thought that shoulda said


Letters written that we coulda read

我将这些词句写下 来弥补那些说不出口的遗憾

Which maybe woulda lead to some good instead

如果当初就能把话说开 我们现在也许已幸福美满

And had this put to bed


But I'd be lying still if I said I wasn't sitting here asking myself

但我毫无作为 若我当时说出了口 如今我就不会在这里不断地扪心自问了

How come you can be a lord and a loser

你怎会被奉若神明 却亦是个烂人

How come, how come, you can be a liar and a good father?

怎会如此 你怎会既是个骗子 又是个好父亲

A good dad, but a bad husband

是个好爸爸 却不是个合格的丈夫

Why are you a good father?


A great dad, but a bad husband

能当个好爸爸 偏偏做不成好丈夫?

(Dad) (you said)

(爸比) (你说过)

Forever be a hero in my eyes


I reply


But there’s always another side to a good father


A great dad, but a bad husband

是个好爸爸 却不是个合格的丈夫

We brought out the worst in each other


Someone had to make the sparring end

总有一方会不堪忍受 提出分手

'Cause I loved you but I hated that me

因为我深爱着你 却痛恨那样的自己

And I don't wanna see that side again


But I'm sorry Kim

我对不起你 Kim

More than you could ever comprehend


Leaving you was ******* harder than


Sawing off a ******* body limb


Once upon a time where all we had

很久以前 我们只拥有彼此

Maybe that was what drew us to each other


It was true love **** that we never knew was possible

这就是真爱 然而我们不曾料到会变成这样

We might have loved each other too much


And maybe that’s what made us do what we did to each other


All the screw-ups


'Cause you always thought that you was more in love with me


And I was thinking I was more in love than you was


For all the times that we thought it worked

一直以来 我们都这么以为

'Til we saw how wrong we were


When the dust settles now and all the dirt


And if I touch the rawest nerve


All I want is for us not to hurt


And it's been an exhaustive search to find the words


But I just heard "Mockingbird"


And got the urge to jot me some verses and thoughts


The purpose was not to stir up or open wounds

我没有想要挑事 更不想揭开旧伤疤

I've caused a few and so have you


Or argue whose fault it was, partly yours, partly mine

也别再争论是非对错 你我都有份

But really no one's, this is so tough

但这不是谁的罪责 是这份爱太艰难

I'm getting choked up


Oh **** it, we both suck

该死 我们都不是好东西

We broke up, got back together

我们一拍两散 又重修旧好

We both thought we had forever


Not bad people, just bad together

我们都不是坏人 只是不适合在一起

We were so nuts, backstabbed each other

我们失去心智 从背后中伤最亲密的彼此

Another blow struck, but there's no ducking this blow

再一次相爱相杀 但这回我们都硬生生扛了下来

'Cause it's over, and it's closure

因为一切已经结束 这是最终收场

But, I'm not so sure how to close this, I just don't know

但是 我并不知道怎么将这一切释怀 我真的不理解

How some people can be so good at one thing and so ****** at a whole 'nother ****

怎会有人在一方面如此得心应手 却又兼具丧心病狂的另一面

It's no wonder


How come, how come you can be a lord and a loser

你怎会被奉若神明 却亦是个烂人

How come, how come, you can be a liar and a good father?

怎会如此 你怎会既是个骗子 又是个好父亲

A good dad, but a bad husband

是个好爸爸 却不是个合格的丈夫

Why are you a good father?


A great dad, but a bad husband

能当个好爸爸 偏偏做不成好丈夫?

(Dad) (you said)


Forever be a hero in my eyes


I reply


But there's always another side to a good father


A great dad, but a bad husband

是个好爸爸 却不是个合格的丈夫



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