Megan Lee/刘逸云《Worthy》[MP3-320K/8M]百度云盘下载

Megan Lee/刘逸云《Worthy》[MP3-320K/8M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-16 16:00:56517A+A-

Knocked down once again

To this familiar ground

And this familiar town

And all around is black and white

Never-ending nights

Never-ending fights

It's killing you as it's killing me

I feel it reaching for stars and it falling under mistle glow

So just start anew and you'll shine brightly

Like a warrior standing in a battle, powerful, unstoppable

'Cause you're worthy

You're worthy

Head through the rain

Head through this pain

You're blooming beautiful

To your promising

You're worthy

I'm trying to reach up

Trying to speak up

Why won't I wake up?

Isn't it enough?

In this pain

Why do the tears still come today?

Shouting so loud but they don't hear me

Invisible 'cause they don't care about me

But don't give up now

Oh, please don't give up now

So just start anew and you'll shine brightly

Like a warrior standing in a battle, powerful, unstoppable

'Cause you're worthy

You're worthy

Head through the rain

Head through this pain

You're blooming beautiful

To your promising

You're worthy

You're worthy to have happiness

(Don't worry)

Don't worry about what they say

Don't matter what they say

Close your eyes

And listen

To your heart feel alive

And wipe away the tears you cry

Just know that you're worthy

'Cause you're worthy

You're worthy

Head through the rain

(The rain)

Head through this pain

(The pain)

You're blooming beautiful

To your promising

'Cause you're worthy

(Don't you know)

You're worthy

Head through the rain

(The rain)

Head through this pain

(The pain)

You're blooming beautiful

To your promising

You're worthy


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  • 7条评论
  • Angle2024-06-18 02:55:39
  • 不错不错感谢
  • Breaking2024-06-03 13:19:17
  • 感谢谢谢

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