Justin Bieber《We're In This Together》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Justin Bieber《We're In This Together》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-16 16:58:47548A+A-

Yeah it's not easy growin' up


You know mm


Only two years old I was playin' drums on the table

我只有两岁的时候 我随心所欲地敲击着桌子

Guess I knew it was the only thing stable

我想我知道 唯有此永恒不变

When I was young I could pick things up quick

我小的时候 我很快就掌握新知识

Anything that I did I was pretty good at it


Well I started school I was a troublemaker

我开始上学的时候 我到处惹事生非

Thought I knew everything in life yeah that caught up to me later

我以为自己无所不知 后来我也为之所累

I had to learn about humility


I had to grow up and accept responsibility yeah

我不得不长大成人 承担责任

That wasn't easy 'cause at 17 I had a milli'

这并不容易 因为我在十七岁时就拥有百万家产

Women throwin' themselves at me had me goin' silly

女人主动向我投怀送抱 让我忘乎所以

On the surface I felt like the man

表面上 我感觉自己像个男子汉

But deep inside I felt depriv??d just like an empty can

但是在内心深处 我感觉一无是处 就像是一个空罐子

I've had ??verything in life that people strive for


Just to ask the question 'What are we alive for'

只是扪心自问 我们为什么而活

What you believe And would you agree

你的信仰是什么 你是否深信不疑

Well who would you die for


Is there a reason What is the meanin' What do we cry for

是否找到前进的动力 意义是什么 我们渴求着什么

One thing I know is that we're in this together together oh

我只知道一点 我们同舟共济

One thing I know is that we're in this together together oh

我只知道一点 我们同舟共济

We're in this together


I moved out when I was 18

当我十八岁时 我搬了出去

I was livin' in a mansion doin' big things

我住在豪宅里 为事业拼搏

FBI raided my house and s**t was gettin' dicey

联邦调查局突袭搜查我的房子 一切变得岌岌可危

I was doin' stupid s**t to get people to like me

我曾做过荒唐事 以此赢得人们的喜爱

All that to say I'm thankful that's not who I am

我只能说 我很庆幸这不是我真实的样子

And I'm thankful God was with me when s**t hit the fan

当我陷入困境时 我感谢上帝与我同在

'Cause He's the reason that I'm still standin'


And even in a pandemic God is still plannin'

即使身处流行疾病的阴霾里 上帝依然运筹帷幄

Plannin' peace plannin' joy plan another day

为安宁做着计划 为欢乐做着计划 为未来的日子做着计划

Gave His life upon the cross to wash His sins away

在十字架上献出祂的生命 以此洗去祂的罪孽

I've had everything in life that people strive for


Just to ask the question 'What are we alive for'

只是扪心自问 我们为什么而活

What you believe And would you agree

你的信仰是什么 你是否深信不疑

Well who would you die for


Is there a reason What is the meanin' What do we cry for

是否找到前进的动力 意义是什么 我们渴求着什么

One thing I know is that we're in this together together oh

我只知道一点 我们同舟共济

One thing I know is that we're in this together together oh

我只知道一点 我们同舟共济

We're in this together


I pray for every single person listening to this song right now


I pray for peace I pray for joy I pray for confidence

我祈求和平 我祈求欢乐 我祈求信心

I pray for reassurance


I thank you so much for the person listening to this right now


I pray that You would bless them


Bless their mind bless their finances

保佑他们的心灵 保佑他们拥有稳定的收入

Bless their family bless their sons bless their daughters

保佑他们的家庭 保佑他们的儿子 保佑他们的女儿

Bless their moms bless their dads bless their grandparents

保佑他们的母亲 保佑他们的父亲 保佑他们的祖父母

God I just pray for an overwhelming sense of

上帝 我只祈祷着祢出现在他们家里

Your presence in their home right now


An overwhelming sense of Your peace that says


'Everything is going to be all right'


In the name of Jesus


In the name of Jesus




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  • 8条评论
  • Hugh修2024-06-26 14:54:34
  • 不错不错感谢
  • Don\'tcry!2024-06-25 11:06:34
  • 不错不错感谢

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