Troye Sivan《SWIMMING POOLS》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Troye Sivan《SWIMMING POOLS》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-18 18:26:38431A+A-

So tell me how I'm gonna get past this wave to empty swimming pools

告诉我 如何才能穿越汹涌人潮 去往那座空寂的泳池?

Cause I just wanna be at the start of after loving you

因为在筋疲力尽的爱情后 我只想回到本属于我们的秘密之地

I plant my feet and I clench my teeth

站稳双脚 咬紧牙关

I can't outrun what's coming after me


So tell me how I'm gonna get past this wave to empty swimming pools

所以告诉我 如何才能穿越汹涌人潮 去往那空寂的泳池?

But I see a lighthouse in the distance calling my name

迷惘中看见远方矗立的灯塔 呼唤我前去

But I can't get there 'til I go through all of this pain

但我无能为力 直到历经这一切痛苦的磨砺

There's a glimmer of hope like an exhale of smoke in the sky

希望的星点微光于空中闪烁 又如过眼云烟般消逝

And sometimes you drain out on the **** that used to feel right

那些曾以为甜蜜的糟糕回忆 必须彻底从内心排去

Empty swimming pools


So tell me how I'm gonna get past this wave to empty swimming pools

所以告诉我 如何才能穿越汹涌人潮 去往那座空寂的泳池?

Tell me how I'm gonna feel less secure when I look at you

告诉我 当我看着你的时候 该如何忘怀那种油然而生的安全感?

So I close my eyes and just visualize


The greener skies on the other side

幻想着别处 那片更加美丽湛蓝的天幕

So tell me how I'm gonna get past this wave to empty swimming pools

所以告诉我 如何才能穿越汹涌人潮 去往那座空寂的泳池?

But I see a lighthouse in the distance calling my name

迷惘中看见远方矗立的灯塔 正呼唤我前去

But I can't get there 'til I go through all of this pain

但我无能为力 直到历经这一切痛苦的磨砺

There's a glimmer of hope like an exhale of smoke in the sky

希望的星点微光于空中闪烁 又如过眼云烟般消逝

And sometimes you drain out on the **** that used to feel right

那些曾以为甜蜜的糟糕回忆 必须彻底从内心排去

Empty swimming pools


Empty swimming pools


Empty swimming pools


Empty swimming pools



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