Kristen Bell《Do You Want To Build A Snowman?》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载
<p></p>歌词<p>Do you want to build a snowman</p><p>想推雪人吗?</p><p>Come on let's go and play</p><p>来让我们去玩!</p><p>I never see you anymore</p><p>我再也见不到你了,</p><p>Come out the door</p><p>出来吧</p><p>It's like you've gone away</p><p>就像你已经消失</p><p>We used to be best buddies</p><p>我们曾是最好的伙伴</p><p>And now we're not I wish you would tell me why</p><p>现在我们不是,我希望你能告诉我为什么</p><p>Do you want to build a snowman</p><p>想推雪人吗?</p><p>It doesn't have to be a snowman</p><p>不要那么冷冰冰</p><p>Okay bye</p><p>好吧,拜拜</p><p>Do you want to build a snowman</p><p>想推雪人吗?</p><p>Or ride our bike around the halls</p><p>或是大厅附近骑着我们的自行车?</p><p>I think some company is overdue</p><p>我认为一些伴侣不在,</p><p>I started talking to the pictures on the walls</p><p>我开始跟墙上的照片说话,</p><p>Hang in there Joan</p><p>挂在那里,琼的照片!</p><p>It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms</p><p>所有这些空房间,让我点孤独,</p><p>Just watching the hours tick by</p><p>看着时光流逝</p><p>Please I know you're in there</p><p>我知道你在那里,</p><p>People are asking where you've been</p><p>人们问你去了哪里</p><p>They say 'have courage</p><p>他们说“要有勇气,</p><p>And I'm trying to</p><p>我也试着,</p><p>I'm right out here for you just let me in</p><p>我就在这里等你,让我进去</p><p>We only have each other</p><p>我们只有彼此,</p><p>It's just you and me what are we gonna do</p><p>这只是你和我,我们是要做什么?</p><p>Do you want to build a snowman</p><p>想推雪人吗?</p>下载<p>提取码<p><i class=)
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- 5条评论
onlyone~2024-06-05 06:35:00
- 不错不错感谢
Miss"Love2024-06-06 13:29:47
- 不错不错感谢
Sily°小晴天2024-06-16 06:51:49
- 不错不错感谢
Gavin阿瑟王的.武士2024-06-20 07:42:59
- 感谢谢谢
bowen波文2024-06-05 20:45:34
- 谢谢分享