melo-D《Just Say Hello》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

melo-D《Just Say Hello》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-23 20:08:43395A+A-

It's over now

We lost our way in the dark

I don't know

Where to go

When you're gone

Too late to tell you

You're where I belong

Still trembling now

I'm scared to move on

The tears I cried

No matter how hard I try

Can't change that

All we had

Is long gone

Your heart can see that

This love is enough

And I'd give eveything for one more try

You know I wanna be

Your destiny

So please just say hello

This love is haunting me

And I just need to know

And all the memories

Are keeping me awake at night

I'm still not over you

There's nothing I could do

You know I wanna be

Your destiny

So please just say hello

This love is haunting me

And I just need to know

And all the memories

Are keeping me awake at night

I'm still not over you

There's nothing I could do

The tears I cried

No matter how hard I try

Can't change that

All we had

Is long gone

Your heart can see that

This love is enough

And I'd give eveything for one more try

You know I wanna be

Your destiny

So please just say hello

This love is haunting me

And I just need to know

And all the memories

Are keeping me awake at night

I'm still not over you

There's nothing I could do

You know I wanna be

Your destiny

So please just say hello

This love is haunting me

And I just need to know

And all the memories

Are keeping me awake at night

I'm still not over you

There's nothing I could do

You know I wanna be

Your destiny

So please just say hello

This love is haunting me

And I just need to know

And all the memories

Are keeping me awake at night

I'm still not over you

There's nothing I could do

You know I wanna be

Your destiny

So please just say hello

This love is haunting me

And I just need to know

And all the memories

Are keeping me awake at night

I'm still not over you

There's nothing I could do


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  • 5条评论
  • noah2024-06-08 04:55:48
  • 谢谢分享
  • keon基恩2024-06-18 12:27:44
  • 不错不错感谢

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