塞壬唱片/.《Your Star》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

塞壬唱片/.《Your Star》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-10-06 15:29:08464A+A-

塞壬唱片-MSR / DJ Okawari / Stephanie


Flashback of the memory that

Show up in my dream

I wake up at midnight and tears are fallinʼ

I was trying to reach out for somebody

I was hiding till you wrap your arms around me

I drew a picture of you I used to know

Still donʼt recall the color of curtains on the window

Remember looking down for the missing piece of stone

But I can see it clear now

Iʼm writing my way

Every time with the season

I change and Iʼm turning

Every night has a reason

I promise you sunrise

But stand up no going back

Everyday I try finding

the light of your star

Flashback of the memory how

Young 22 with you

So much to carry through I used to fall for the night I cried till I lost myself in the sea

Side by side you had gone right before me

The colors of the rainbow never in the row

At spring the flower bloom and summer came in blue

No control of time but still wanna follow you

keep walking up the mountains Iʼm riding my way

Every time with the season

I change and Iʼm turning

Every night has a reason

I promise you sunrise

But stand up no going back

Everyday I try finding

the light of your star

(Every time with the season)

Iʼm ready to start

Iʼm looking up for you

(Every night has a reason)

Stand up no going back

Iʼm searching for a sign of you

Every time with the season

I change and Iʼm turning

Every night has a reason I promise you sunrise

But stand up no going back

Everyday I try finding

the light of your star

Every time with the season

I change and Iʼm turning

Every night has a reason

I promise you sunrise

But stand up no going back

Everyday I try finding

the light of your star

Every time with the season

I change and Iʼm turning

Every night has a reason I promise you sunrise

But stand up no going back

Everyday I try finding

the light of your star



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  • 4条评论
  • Hugh修2024-06-27 01:56:09
  • 感谢谢谢

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