Alexander Hitchens/.《Looking At a Champ》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Alexander Hitchens/.《Looking At a Champ》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-10-06 15:36:01481A+A-

Alexander Hitchens/DubXX/Tezo


Hall of famer

How did you not know

Championship bouta win the superbowl

Fans in the stand love it when I'm in the dome

Touchdown dance celebrating cause I'm home

Cleats on my feet running routes all day

Shotgun wildcat I know all the plays

Coulda been a quarterback just put me in the game

I was born a champion and I just want the rain

MVP I'm the best on the list

You can join the team cause we added to the ship

Ay you lookin' at a champ

Ay you lookin' at a champ

You lookin' at a champ

You lookin' at a champ


All I do is win

All I do is win

You lookin' at a champ and we goin' to the ship

To the ship

We goin' to the ship

To the ship

We goin' to the ship ay

All we do is win

You lookin' at a champ

You lookin' at a champ


All I do is win

You lookin' at a C. H. A. M. P.

Everytime I do it make it look easy

Better be prepared when you come for me

Don't talk me to death you know that stuff cheap

I go hard on the west

I go hard on the east

It don't really matter either way I'ma eat

You know I do numbers 1 2 3 count on me

Like work easy I can do it my sleep

I do not know defeat Championship

Rays on my hand

Gold bling

In games when I please



Ain't no O.T.

You are not a champ boy you a wannabe

You lookin' at a champ

You lookin' at a champ

You lookin' at a champ


All I do is win

All I do is win

You lookin' at a champ and

We goin' to the ship

To the ship

We goin' to the ship

To the ship

We goin' to the ship


All we do is win

You lookin' at a champ

You lookin' at a champ


All I do is win


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