Hardwell/Kaaze/Loren Allred《This Is Love》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载
Hardwell/Kaaze/Loren Allred - This Is Love 下载,歌词:From all the highest heights to the deepest lows 及世界之巅 至暗不见底的深渊 I keep on trying to find, someone......
KSHMR/Kaaze/Karra《Devil Inside Me》[MP3-320K/7.2M]百度云盘下载
KSHMR/Kaaze/Karra - Devil Inside Me 下载,歌词:You got me losing off my innocence 你让我的纯真不复存在 With every look my eyes so very can't 凝视我的双眼让我不能自己 ......