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Ruth Rendell
出版社: Vintage 出版年: 2000-1 页数: 188 定价: USD 14.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780375704963
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What on earth could have provoked a modern day St. Valentine's Day massacre?
On Valentine's Day, four members of the Coverdale family--George, Jacqueline, Melinda and Giles--were murdered in the space of 15 minutes. Their housekeeper, Eunice Parchman, shot them, one by one, in the blue light of a televised performance of Don Giovanni . When Detective Chief Superintendent Will...
What on earth could have provoked a modern day St. Valentine's Day massacre?
On Valentine's Day, four members of the Coverdale family--George, Jacqueline, Melinda and Giles--were murdered in the space of 15 minutes. Their housekeeper, Eunice Parchman, shot them, one by one, in the blue light of a televised performance of Don Giovanni . When Detective Chief Superintendent William Vetch arrests Miss Parchman two weeks later, he discovers a second tragedy: the key to the Valentine's Day massacre hidden within a private humiliation Eunice Parchman has guarded all her life.A brilliant rendering of character, motive, and the heady discovery of truth, A Judgement in Stone is among Ruth Rendell's finest psychological thrillers.
鲁斯•伦德尔生于一九三〇年,父母都是教师。父亲出身于朴利茅斯的贫寒之家。母亲生于瑞典,长于丹麦。从诺顿公立中学毕业后,她进入当地报社担任记者,后来也做过助理编辑的工作。一九五○年,二十岁的她与记者同事唐纳•伦德尔结为连理,两年后她辞掉工作,专心在家抚育刚出生的儿子。就这样,她当了十年家庭主妇,平常在家以写小说打发时间,而且对各种类型小说都跃跃欲试。说也奇怪,鲁斯刚开始创作时并未试图接洽出版商,直到写完六本小说之后才寻求出版机会。一九六四年,她的第一部推理小说《杜恩来的死讯》(From Doon with Death)问世,而她笔下最著名的韦克斯福德督察就此与读者见面。这本处女作一开始就有不错的销量,而且舆论也看好她是极具才华的新锐作家。从那时候起,她的名声随着作品的陆续发表而逐渐累积,至今在欧美各国已拥有大批忠实读者。
她的小说以惊悚、恐怖,令人震惊著称。其创作大致可以分为三大部分:一、以韦克斯福德警官为中心形象的警察程序小说;二、重在对罪犯的变态心理予以研究的小说,如《黑暗之湖》(The Lake of Darkness)、《以石为判》(A Judgment in Stone);三、二十世纪八十年代以芭芭拉•薇安为笔名发表的作品。发表于八十年代的作品给她带来了莫大的声誉。鲁斯•伦德尔认为,作家要是将自己固定在一种类型小说当中,创作灵感就会日渐干涸。所以,她的创作并不止步于侦探小说。可以说,鲁斯•伦德尔缩小了侦探小说与纯文学之间的界限。她非凡的想象力、对城市与乡村生活的敏锐洞察力,是无与伦比的。