

图书访客2024-06-25 20:57:1334A+A-
作者: John Updike
出版社: Ballantine Books
出版年: 1996-8-27
页数: 458
定价: 129.00元
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780449911907

内容简介  · · · · · ·


"I can think of no other novel, even in these years of our sexual freedom, as sexually explicit in its language...as direct in its sexual reporting, as abundant in its sexual activities." -- The Atlantic Monthly

"Trapped in their cozy catacombs, the couples have made sex by turns their toy, their glue, their trauma, their therapy, their hope, their frustration, their rev...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

约翰•厄普代克(John Updike,1932.3.18—2009.1.27),集小说家、诗人、剧作家、散文家和评论家于一身的美国当代文学大师,作品两获普利策奖、两获国家图书奖以及欧•亨利奖等众多奖项多达十数次。“性爱、宗教和艺术”是厄普代克毕生追求的创作标的,“美国人、基督徒、小城镇和中产阶级”则是厄普代克独擅胜场的创作主题,他由此成为当之无愧的美国当代中产阶级的灵魂画师,被誉为“美国的巴尔扎克”。

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