

音频访客2024-06-25 2:44:34746A+A-

don’t stop don’t stop the way across the sea,

7 days, hourly paid, to the dorm, 5 minutes walk,

this is where I earn my bills, never thought of meeting you.

I’m just a waiter, waiting in Chinatown,

you are like a princess princess to my town,

I will say hey, hey~ that’s all I wanna say

You may know Bruce lee, Jet lee or Jackie Chan,

I’m just an ordinary young man from mainland,

I will say hey~ hey~ that’s all I wanna day~ lovely day

You know what, they’ve paid all they got to send me abroad,

2 degrees, my mum so happy, learn finance, work in a bank,

this is how I planned my life, never thought of falling in love

I’m just a waiter, waiting in Chinatown,

you are like a princess princess to my town,

I will say hey, hey~ that’s all I wanna say

You may know Bruce lee, Jet lee or Jackie Chan,

I’m just an ordinary young man from mainland,

I will say hey~ hey~ that’s all I wanna day~ lovely day

I’m just a waiter waiting in Chinatown

You want some 炸薯 奶茶或dim-sum

小姐 做中国的媳妇可好?

寻觅知己 嘿 带你翻屋企

yes,I do

I love you, I love you, I love you

I love you old Chinatown Chinatown Chinatown.

I will always remember remember remember that China is my mother I love her forever.

I’m just a waiter,

(I am Jackie Tam)

waiting in Chinatown,

you are like a princess princess to my town,

I will say hey, hey~ that’s all I wanna say.

You may know Bruce lee, Jet lee or Jackie Chan,

I’m just an ordinary young man from mainland,

I will say hey~ hey~ that’s all I wanna day~ lovely day

I’m just a waiter, waiting in Chinatown.



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