Transcultural Cities uses a framework of transcultural placemaking, cross-disciplinary inquiry and transnational focus to examine a collection of case studies around the world, presented by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and activists in architecture, urban planning, urban studies, art, environmental psychology, geography, political science, and social work. The book add...
Transcultural Cities uses a framework of transcultural placemaking, cross-disciplinary inquiry and transnational focus to examine a collection of case studies around the world, presented by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and activists in architecture, urban planning, urban studies, art, environmental psychology, geography, political science, and social work. The book addresses the intercultural exchanges as well as the cultural trans-formation that takes place in urban spaces. In doing so, it views cultures not in isolation from each other in today's diverse urban environments, but as mutually influenced, constituted and transformed. In cities and regions around the globe, migrations of people have continued to shape the makeup and making of neighborhoods, districts, and communities. For instance, in North America, new immigrants have revitalized many of the decaying urban landscapes, creating renewed cultural ambiance and economic networks that transcend borders. In Richmond, BC Canada, an Asian night market has become a major cultural event that draws visitors throughout the region and across the US and Canadian border. Across the Pacific, foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong transform the deserted office district in Central on weekends into a carnivalesque site. While contributing to the multicultural vibes in cities, migration and movements have also resulted in tensions, competition, and clashes of cultures between different ethnic communities, old-timers, newcomers, employees and employers, individuals and institutions. In Transcultural Cities Jeffrey Hou and a cross-disciplinary team of authors argue for a more critical and open approach that sees today's cities, urban places, and placemaking as vehicles for cross-cultural understanding.
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曾參與七股濕地及黑面琵鷺保育、美濃文化造鎮、國立傳統藝術中心與宜蘭演藝廳規劃設計,以及台灣諸多社區及文化保存工作。近年於西雅圖推動跨文化的民眾參與及都市開放空間設計、公共空間研究,以及跨國性的社區服務學習。著有《浮游城市》 (Transcultural Cities: Border-Crossing and Placemaking) (2013)、《反叛的公共空間》(Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities) (2010)、《城市綠化與社區茁壯:向西雅圖的社區園圃學習》(Greening Cities, Growing Communities: Learning...
曾參與七股濕地及黑面琵鷺保育、美濃文化造鎮、國立傳統藝術中心與宜蘭演藝廳規劃設計,以及台灣諸多社區及文化保存工作。近年於西雅圖推動跨文化的民眾參與及都市開放空間設計、公共空間研究,以及跨國性的社區服務學習。著有《浮游城市》 (Transcultural Cities: Border-Crossing and Placemaking) (2013)、《反叛的公共空間》(Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities) (2010)、《城市綠化與社區茁壯:向西雅圖的社區園圃學習》(Greening Cities, Growing Communities: Learning from Seattle’s Urban Community Gardens) (2009)(Julie Johnson與Laura Lawson合著) 等書,其中《反叛的公共空間》與《城市綠化與社區茁壯》分別榮獲「環計設計研究協會」(EDRA) 2012年與2010年最佳著作獎。
加州大學柏克萊分校環境規劃博士,目前任教於台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所,是新鄉村研究發展中心負責人,同時應聘為廣東工業大學的特邀教授。進入學術界之前,曾是現代舞者,劇場表演者,專題記者,與景觀建築暨環境規劃設計師。著有:造坊有理(1999),生活地景(1999),以及The Global Silicon Valley Homes(2005)。現階段在坪林進行結合生態與生產的「台灣藍鵲茶革命」。
美國華盛頓大學人類學博士,現為國立清華大學人類學研究所副教授。研究以都市中的空間建構和跨國流動為主軸,旁及性別、消費、勞動等議題,主要田野地點包括高雄、台北、以及洛杉磯。著有Authentic Tofu, Cosmopolitan Taiwan、‘Making Streets:’ Planned Space and Unplanned Business in New Kujiang, Taiwan、Miraculous Rebirth: Making Global Place in Taiwan、「仲介日本流行文化」等期刊及專書論文。
輔仁大學景觀設計學系助理教授,美國紐約市立大學環境心理學博士,建築師,專長領域為建築與都市設計、景觀設計 、環境行為研究,近年專注公共空間之社會排除,及發展導向都市地景變遷研究,亦致力結合使用後評估及參與式設計以協助公部門和業界改善社區公共環境,論文見於國際學術期刊 Space and Culture, International Development Planning Review 等。