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Cassidy, John
定价: $ 45.14 ISBN: 9781441723086
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Behind the alarming financial headlines is a little-known story of bad ideas. For over fifty years, economists have been developing elegant theories of how markets work. What about when markets don t work? What about when they lead to stock-market bubbles, glaring inequality, polluted rivers, real-estate crashes, and credit crunches? In How Markets Fail, Cassidy describes the...
Behind the alarming financial headlines is a little-known story of bad ideas. For over fifty years, economists have been developing elegant theories of how markets work. What about when markets don t work? What about when they lead to stock-market bubbles, glaring inequality, polluted rivers, real-estate crashes, and credit crunches? In How Markets Fail, Cassidy describes the influence utopian economics thinking that is blind to how real people act and that denies the ways an unregulated free market can produce disastrous unintended consequences. Oil-price spikes, CEO greed cycles, and boom-and-bust waves are the inevitable outcome of self-serving behavior in a modern market setting. Cassidy looks to the leading edge of economic theory, including behavioral economics, for a new, enlightening view of our volatile global economy.
在加入《纽约客》之前,卡西迪曾在大西洋两岸的报社工作过。他于1986年加入伦敦的《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times),并担任该报华盛顿分社的主任三年。1991~1993年,他担任该报商业版的编辑。1993~1995年,他供职于《纽约邮报》(New York Post),担任该报商业版的编辑,随后升任副总编。2002年,卡西迪出版了第一部著作《互联网经济:非理性的繁荣》(Dot. con)。
在加入《纽约客》之前,卡西迪曾在大西洋两岸的报社工作过。他于1986年加入伦敦的《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times),并担任该报华盛顿分社的主任三年。1991~1993年,他担任该报商业版的编辑。1993~1995年,他供职于《纽约邮报》(New York Post),担任该报商业版的编辑,随后升任副总编。2002年,卡西迪出版了第一部著作《互联网经济:非理性的繁荣》(Dot. con)。