《The Failure of the Founding Fathers》

《The Failure of the Founding Fathers》

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作者: Bruce Ackerman
出版社: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
副标题: Jefferson, Marshall, and the Rise of Presidential Democracy
出版年: 2005-10-28
页数: 400
定价: USD 29.95
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780674018662

作者简介  · · · · · ·



目录  · · · · · ·

PART ONE The People’s President......Page 12
Introduction: America on the Brink......Page 14
1. The Original Misunderstanding......Page 27
2. John Marshall for President......Page 47
3. Jefferson Counts Himself In......Page 66
4. On the Brink......Page 88
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PART ONE The People’s President......Page 12
Introduction: America on the Brink......Page 14
1. The Original Misunderstanding......Page 27
2. John Marshall for President......Page 47
3. Jefferson Counts Himself In......Page 66
4. On the Brink......Page 88
5. What Went Right?......Page 104
PART TWO The People and the Court......Page 120
Introduction: Constitutional Brinksmanship......Page 122
6. Federalist Counterattack......Page 127
7. Republican Triumph......Page 153
8. Marbury v. Stuart......Page 174
9. Presidential Purge......Page 210
10. Synthesis......Page 235
11. Reverberations......Page 256
DOCUMENTS......Page 278
Horatius’s Presidential Knot......Page 280
Judge Bassett’s Protest......Page 287
Notes......Page 309
Acknowledgments......Page 378
Index......Page 380
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