《A History of Histories》

《A History of Histories》

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作者: John Burrow
出版社: Allen Lane
副标题: Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century
出版年: 2007-1
页数: 576
定价: 380.00元
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780713993370

内容简介  · · · · · ·

This unprecedented book, by one of Britain's leading intellectual historians, describes the intellectual impact that the study and consideration of the past has had in the western world over the past 2500 years, treating the practise of history not as an isolated pursuit but as an aspect of human society and an essential part of the cultural history of Europe and America.It mag...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

约翰·布罗(J·hn Burr·w,1935-2009),英国重要的思想史家。1981-1995年,担任萨塞克斯大学思想史教授,1995-2000年,担任牛津大学欧洲思想教授。他是英国人文社会科学院院士、牛津大学贝里尔学院名誉院士,2008年被麻省威廉斯学院聘为杰出访问学人。

布罗早期的作品包括《进化与社会:维多利亚时代的社会理论研究》(Ev·luti·n and S·ciety: A Study in Vict·rian S·cial The·ry, 1966)、《自由派的传承:维多利亚时代的史家与英国的过去》(A Liberal Descent: Vict·rian Hist·rian and the English Past, 1981)、《吉本》(Gibb·n, 1984)与《理性的危机:欧洲思想1848-1914》(The Crisis ·...

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