《The Ecology of Commerce Revised Edition》

《The Ecology of Commerce Revised Edition》

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作者: Paul Hawken
出版社: Harper Paperbacks
副标题: A Declaration of Sustainability
出版年: 2010-3-25
页数: 256
定价: USD 17.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780061252792

内容简介  · · · · · ·

The world has changed in the seventeen years since the controversial initial publication of Paul Hawken's Ecology of Commerce , a stirring treatise about the perceived antagonism between ecology and business. Yet Hawken's impassioned argument—that business both causes the most egregious abuses of the environment and, crucially, holds the most potential for solving our sustaina...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

作者:(美国)保罗·霍肯(Hawken.P) 译者:夏善晨 余继英 方堃

保罗·霍肯(Paul Hawken),美国著名的环境经济学、教育家和企业家。著述颇丰,主要著作有:《下一种经济》、《创办企业》、《自然的资本论》等,曾在50多个国家出版,翻译成27种文字,影响深远。他也是多家企业的共同创办人,并为许多大公司和非赢利组织授课并提供咨询。

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