《Hygienic Modernity》

《Hygienic Modernity》

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作者: Ruth Rogaski
出版社: University of California Press
副标题: Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-Port China
出版年: 2014-5-29
页数: 420
定价: USD 34.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780520283824

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Placing meanings of health and disease at the center of modern Chinese consciousness, Ruth Rogaski reveals how hygiene became a crucial element in the formulation of Chinese modernity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Rogaski focuses on multiple manifestations across time of a single Chinese concept, weisheng—which has been rendered into English as "hygiene," "sanitary...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Ruth Rogaski is Associate Professor of History at Vanderbilt University.

目录  · · · · · ·

List of Illustrations
Prologue: Sun the Perfected One’s Song of Guarding Life
1. "Conquering the One Hundred Diseases":
Weisheng before the Twentieth Century
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List of Illustrations
Prologue: Sun the Perfected One’s Song of Guarding Life
1. "Conquering the One Hundred Diseases":
Weisheng before the Twentieth Century
2. Health and Disease in Heaven’s Ford
3. Medical Encounters and Divergences
4. Translating Weisheng in Treaty-Port China
5. Transforming Eisei in Meiji Japan
6. Deficiency and Sovereignty:
Hygienic Modernity in the Occupation of Tianjin, 1900–1902
7. Seen and Unseen:
The Urban Landscape and Boundaries of Weisheng
8. Weisheng and the Desire for Modernity
9. Japanese Management of Germs in Tianjin
10. Germ Warfare and Patriotic Weisheng
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