《The Art & Science of Coaching》
作者: Marilyn Atkinson / Rae T. Chois
出版社: Exalon Publishing Limited
副标题: Inner Dynamics of Coaching
出版年: 2007
定价: USD 19.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780978370411
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Outside of religious and political movements there is one major human development movement in the world today - solution focused coaching!
The three books in the Art & Science of Coaching series go to the heart of this phenomenon. They show you why coaching is on the rise and provides processes for you to learn the power and methodologies of coaching conversations.
Book 1, The ...
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Marilyn Atkinson, PhD, is founder and director of Erickson College International. As creator of The Art & Science of Coaching, a coach training program accredited through the International Coach Federation, she is known internationally as an expert performance and creativity coach who supports flexible access to core transformation. Considered by many to be the founder of coach...
目录 · · · · · ·
Dedication........................................................... iAn Acknowledgment......................................... iii
List of Figures ................................................. xiii
Introduction ......................................................xv
Knowing Where to Tap ........................................ xv
This Book’s Mission: Your Journey ................................. xvi
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Dedication........................................................... i
An Acknowledgment......................................... iii
List of Figures ................................................. xiii
Introduction ......................................................xv
Knowing Where to Tap ........................................ xv
This Book’s Mission: Your Journey ................................. xvi
The Art & Science of Coaching Series............................. xix
Erickson Coaching International:
Our Passionate Purpose ............................................. xx
My Story and the Development of this Work................... xxi
How to Use This Book ................................................... xxiii
Make Your Exploration
a Commitment to Self-Development ...................... xxiv
Your First Step in Getting Started .................................... xxv
1 How to Play the Master’s Game:
A Coaching Approach......................................... 1
Awaken the Genius within Yourself and Others .................. 2
True Transformational Conversations ................................. 5
Art & Science of Coaching: Inner Dynamics
How to Play the Master Game ............................................. 6
Your Hu-Man Design ........................................................... 9
Integration Stretch Exercise ............................................... 13
2 Your Brain and How It Works .......................... 17
Milton and the Runaway Horse ......................................... 18
Your Reticular Brain .......................................................... 20
Your Emotional Brain ........................................................ 22
The Cerebral Cortex ........................................................... 25
Development of Language Systems .................................. 27
The Power of Visualization:
Taking a Virtual Tour of the Brain ............................. 28
Reticular Brain Tour .......................................................... 29
Emotional Brain Tour ........................................................ 30
Cerebral Brain Tour ........................................................... 32
3 The Beyond-Conscious Mind:
Your Integrity System....................................... 35
Helen Kellar: How to Create a “Human” Mind ................. 36
Integrating Your Mind-Brain System ................................ 37
The Nature of the Conscious Mind .................................... 38
The Beyond-Conscious Mind: Your Integrity System........ 40
Qualities of the Deeper Knowledge System ...................... 41
Beyond Gremlin Thinking ................................................. 42
Open-Ended Questions
Link to the Beyond-Conscious Mind ........................ 44
Brainstorming with the Deeper Knowledge System:
An Exercise ............................................................... 47
Three Chairs Brainstorming ............................................... 48
The Inner Brainstorming Process for Two:
Explorer A and Coach B: .......................................... 49
The Three Chairs Exercise Quick Overview of Steps ....... 50
Example Questions for the Inner Brainstorming Exercise 52
4 The Four Phases of Any Life Project ................53
Breakthrough on the Trans-Canada Highway:
The Trucker and the Hitchhiker ................................ 54
The Four Developmental Steps of Intention ...................... 57
The Four Stages of Planning and Achievement ................. 60
Projecting Yourself Forward .............................................. 64
Stage One: Inspiration ....................................................... 66
Stage Two: Implementation ............................................... 66
Stage Three: Value Integration .......................................... 67
Stage Four: Completion and Satisfaction .......................... 68
Exercise: Your Diamond Mind as an Operating System ... 71
5 The Mind Matrix:
How Do Humans Sustain Change?..................77
The Story of Karl Wallenda ............................................... 78
Navigating the Mind Matrix .............................................. 80
The Gray Haze of Incompletion ........................................ 81
What Gets in the Way? ...................................................... 82
The Good News: Beckhard’s Formula .............................. 84
Power from Inside: The Four Stages of Mastery ............... 86
Stage One: Formulation ..................................................... 87
Stage Two: Concentration .................................................. 88
Stage Three: Momentum ................................................... 90
Stage Four: Mastery ........................................................... 92
The Mind Matrix Mastery Exercise ................................... 94
Formulation ........................................................................ 95
Concentration ..................................................................... 95
Momentum ......................................................................... 96
Mastery .............................................................................. 96
6 Resistance and the Four Gremlin Doors ..........99
What is Integrity? ............................................................ 100
Gremlin Habits and How They Work .............................. 101
Art & Science of Coaching: Inner Dynamics
Fear of Dreaming ............................................................. 102
Fear of Failure: Victim Identification .............................. 104
Fear of Upsetting People: System Identification ............. 106
Fear of Conflict: Conflict Identification .......................... 108
Dealing with Gremlins ..................................................... 111
More on the Formula for Change
in the Land of Gremlin Thinking ............................. 112
The Power of Daily Self-Coaching .................................. 113
Can We Change on Our Own? ......................................... 116
What Does It Mean to Have
Transformational Conversations? ............................ 116
Feedback Frame versus Failure Frame ............................ 118
7 A Foundational Focus:
Partnering with Principles............................... 121
Erickson’s Five Fundamental Principles .......................... 122
The Bengal Tiger Under the Bed ..................................... 122
The Erickson Fundamentals ............................................. 123
The Sunglasses Exercise .................................................. 133
8 Intention and Attention:
Aligning Thinking, Feeling, and Doing..........137
Can We Follow the Track? ............................................... 138
Developing Your Internal Power ..................................... 141
Attention .......................................................................... 145
Intention ........................................................................... 147
Aligning Intention and Attention ..................................... 148
Exercise 1: Intention and Attention ................................. 151
Exercise 2: Bringing Them Both Together ...................... 152
Exercise 3: Adding Movement or Rhythm
to Your Visualization ............................................... 153
9 The Call of Integral Happiness.......................155
The Meaning of Happiness .............................................. 156
Waiting for Happiness ...................................................... 157
I.A.M. Developing Happiness ......................................... 158
Happiness Quotients ......................................................... 160
IQ, MeQ, EQ, and WeQ ................................................... 161
The Four Brain Systems of Happiness ............................ 163
A Deeper Look at Creating Sustainable Happiness ......... 165
The Intentional/Creative Focus: Purpose ......................... 166
The Results Focus: Achievement .................................... 167
The Social Focus: Shared Experience ............................. 167
The Spiritual Focus: Legacy ............................................ 169
10 The Hero’s Journey: Your Life’s Calling ........ 173
The Vision of a Heroic Life ............................................. 174
The Hero’s Journey .......................................................... 174
The Hero of Your Own Life Story ................................... 177
Expressing the Big H ....................................................... 178
Mastery and Happiness .................................................... 179
Celebrating the State of Happiness .................................. 180
Powerful Cherishing ........................................................ 181
Celebrate the Journey Every Day with Words ................. 181
Exercise: Shining Your Happiness Potential ................... 183
Applying the Wisdom: Affirmations ............. 185
Continue to Explore
Art & Science of Coaching ............................ 197
Meet the Authors ........................................... 199
Suggested Readings ...................................... 203
Erickson College International Locations ... 207
Notes ............................................................. 209
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- 6条评论
- reece雷塞—热心。2024-06-04 02:04:47
- 感谢谢谢
- End2024-06-11 20:06:46
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- Felix2024-06-22 09:17:13
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- 控心丶crazy°つ2024-06-07 22:56:06
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- onlyone2024-06-12 04:15:44
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- Kerr科尔2024-06-01 11:01:49
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