《Polybius Histories》

《Polybius Histories》

图书访客2024-06-25 18:04:32123A+A-
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作者: Polybius
出版社: Harvard University Press
副标题: Bks.I & II v. 1
译者: Paton, W. R.
出版年: 1979-06
页数: 442
定价: $24.50
装帧: Hardcover
丛书: Loeb Classical Library: Greek Authors
ISBN: 9780674991422

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Polybius (born ca. 208 BCE) of Megalopolis in the Peloponnese (Morea), served the Achaean League in arms and diplomacy for many years, favouring alliance with Rome. From 168 to 151 he was hostage in Rome where he became a friend of Aemilius Paulus and his two sons, and especially adopted Scipio Aemilianus whose campaigns he attended later. In late life he was trusted mediator b...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

波里比阿,古希腊历史学家。公元前168年因政治立场可疑,被羁留在罗马十七年,成为“非洲征服者”小西庇阿(Scipio Aemilianus)的导师与密友,并成为罗马上层社会的一员。



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