《Basics of Game Design》

《Basics of Game Design》

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作者: Michael Moore
出版社: A K Peters/CRC Press
出版年: 2011-3-23
页数: 400
定价: USD 59.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9781568814339

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Basics of Game Design is for anyone wanting to become a professional game designer. Focusing on creating the game mechanics for data-driven games, it covers role-playing, real-time strategy, first-person shooter, simulation, and other games. Written by a 25-year veteran of the game industry, the guide offers detailed explanations of how to design the data sets used to resolve g...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Michael E. Moore,资深游戏设计师和游戏开发工程师,在游戏领域探索和实践了25年,经验和经历十分丰富,享有盛誉。几乎参与过所有类型游戏的开发和设计的各个环节,从角色扮演游戏到冒险游戏,从棋盘游戏到战争游戏,从益智游戏到虚幻动作类游戏,开发了《Dungeons & Dragons》《James Bond 007》《BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks’ Revenge》《GenePool》等大量经典的游戏作品,对游戏设计有深刻的洞察和理解。曾担任过多本杂志的总编辑,以及迪吉彭理工学院游戏软件设计和制作系教授。他还是一位经验丰富的技术作家,除了撰写过大量游戏手册外,还参与撰写了《Introduction to the Game Industry》和《Game Development Essentials: Game ...

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