《The Privileges》

《The Privileges》

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作者: Dee, Jonathan
页数: 352
ISBN: 9781849015936

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Smart, socially gifted, and chronically impatient, Adam and Cynthia Morey are so perfect for each other that united they become a kind of fortress against the world. In their hurry to start a new life, they marry young and have two children before Cynthia reaches the age of twenty-five. Adam is a rising star in the world of private equity and becomes his boss's protege. With a ...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Jonathan Dee is the author of five novels with The Privileges being his most recent. He is a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine, a frequent contributor to Harper's, and a former senior editor of The Paris Review. He teaches in the graduate writing programmes at Columbia University and The New School.

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