《The Zombie Survival Guide》

《The Zombie Survival Guide》

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作者:  [美] Max Brooks
出版社: Three Rivers Press
副标题: Recorded Attacks
出版年: 2009-10-6
页数: 144
定价: USD 17.00
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780307405777

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Product Description

Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

From the Stone Age to the information age, the undead have threatened to engulf the human race. They’re coming. They’re hungry.

Don’t wait for them to come to you!

This is the graphic novel the fans demanded: major zombie attacks from the dawn of humanity. On the African savannas, against the leg...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

马克斯•布鲁克斯(Max Brooks),1972年生于纽约,其父是执导《金牌制作人》的大导演梅尔•布鲁尔斯。他是全球著名的世界末日专家、僵尸教教主,尤其擅长僵尸防治理论与实践。根据权威政府机构表示,若要对抗食人僵尸,免于人类灭绝浩劫,则一定要借助布鲁克斯的僵尸防治权威知识。为写就此书,作者曾前往世界五大洲30多个国家及南北极地区进行实地调查,寻找防治僵尸灾难的方法。除本书外,作者尚有《僵尸世界大战:一部僵尸战争的口述历史》(World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War)、《僵尸生存指南:袭击记录》(The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks)两本关于僵尸的书问世,均在世界各地畅销。


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