

图书访客2024-06-25 17:46:11146A+A-
作者: Martin Hopkinson
出版社: British Museum Press
副标题: The Art of Bookplates
出版年: 2011-5-16
页数: 112
定价: GBP 9.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780714126746

内容简介  · · · · · ·

A bookplate, or "Ex Libris", is a small print for pasting inside the cover of a book to express ownership. The first books were highly valuable and prestigious objects to own, hence the first bookplates usually incorporated the decorative coats of arms of the fabulously wealthy. By the late nineteenth century, bookplates had developed into a highly imaginative form of the engra...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

马丁·霍普金森(Martin Hopkinson): 艺术家、作家,开办有自己的画廊,出版有《意大利艺术》丛书。其对藏书票有一定的研究。


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