《The Art of Horror》

《The Art of Horror》

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作者: Stephen Jones
出版社: Applause Theatre & Cinema Books; Ill edition
副标题: An Illustrated History
出版年: 2015-10-13
页数: 256
定价: USD 40.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781495009136

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Amazingly, there has never been a book quite like The Art of Horror a celebration of frightful images, compiled and presented by some of the genre's most respected names. While acknowledging the beginnings of horror-related art in legends and folk tales, the focus of the book is on how the genre has presented itself to the world since the creations of Bram Stoker and Mary Shell...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Edited by STEPHEN JONES (London, England), who also provides an extended introduction and detailed captions to the images throughout the book. A Hugo Award nominee, he is the winner of three World Fantasy Awards, three International Horror Guild Awards, four Bram Stoker Awards, twenty-one British Fantasy Awards, and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Horror Association...

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