《House of Day, House of Night》

《House of Day, House of Night》

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作者: Olga Tokarczuk
出版社: Northwestern University Press
原作名: Dom dzienny, dom nocny
译者: Antonia Lloyd-Jones
出版年: 2003-02-12
页数: 304
定价: US 17.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780810118928

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Nowa Ruda is a small town in Silesia, a region that has at times been part of Poland, Germany, and the former Czechoslovakia. When the narrator of Olga Tokarczuk's House of Day, House of Night moves into the area, she discovers that everyone - and everything - has a story. With the help of Martha, her enigmatic neighbor, she collects these stories, and what emerges is the messa...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Olga Tokarczuk, born in 1962, studied psychology at teh University of Warsaw before publishing her first book, a poetry collection. She is the author of a prizewinning play, four novels, and two books of short stories and has received two Nike reader's Prizes.

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