《Transitions from Authoritarian Rule》

《Transitions from Authoritarian Rule》

图书访客2024-06-25 17:35:30169A+A-
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作者: Guillermo O'Donnell / Philippe C. Schmitter
出版社: The Johns Hopkins University Press
副标题: Prospects for Democracy
出版年: 1986-11-01
页数: 620
定价: USD 49.50
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780801826849

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Political science scholars consider the four-volume work Transitions from Authoritarian Rule to be a foundational text for studying the process of democratization, specifically in those cases where an authoritarian regime is giving way to some form of democratic government. The most important of the four books is without a doubt the fourth volume, Tentative Conclusions about Un...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Guillermo A. O'Donnell (1936–2011) was a prominent Argentine political scientist, who spent most of his career working in Argentina and the United States, and who made lasting contributions to theorizing on authoritarianism and democratization, democracy and the state, and the politics of Latin America. His brother, Pacho O'Donnell, is a well-known politician and writer.


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