《The Great Urban Transformation》

《The Great Urban Transformation》

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作者: You-tien Hsing
出版社: Oxford University Press
副标题: Politics of Land and Property in China
出版年: 2012-5-4
页数: 272
定价: USD 43.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780199644599

内容简介  · · · · · ·

As China is transformed, relations between society, the state, and the city have become central. The Great Urban Transformation investigates what is happening in cities, the urban edges, and the rural fringe in order to explain these relations. In the inner city of major metropolitan centers, municipal governments battle high-ranking state agencies to secure land rents from red...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

You-Tien Hsing

Professor and Graduate Advisor

PhD. UC Berkeley, 1993

Regional focus: China

My reasearch and teaching has been focused on the political economy of development in East Asia, especially China. I am interested in the question of power and space. My first book, Making Captialism in China: The Taiwan Connection, focuses on the role of culture in inter-regional capit...

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