《The Well-Dressed Ape》

《The Well-Dressed Ape》

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作者: Hannah Holmes
出版社: Brilliance Audio
副标题: A Natural History of Myself
出版年: 2009-1-6
定价: USD 107.97
装帧: Audio CD
ISBN: 9781423376170

内容简介  · · · · · ·

THE WELL-DRESSED APE, aka Homo sapiens, is a strange mammal. It thinks of itself as complex, intelligent, and in every way superior to other animals a " but is it, really? With wit, humility, and penetrating insight, science journalist Hannah Holmes casts the inquisitive eye of a trained researcher and reporter on...herself. And not just on herself, but on our whole species a "...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Hannah Holmes (born 1963) is an American writer, journalist, essayist, and science commentator for Science Live (Discovery Channel) and radio shows such as Maine Things Considered. She has published four books, most recently Quirk: Brain Science Makes Sense of Your Peculiar Personality (Random House, 2011). She has published articles online and in magazines including Sierra, Ne...

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