《Life 3.0》

《Life 3.0》

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作者: Max Tegmark
出版社: Allen Lane
副标题: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
出版年: 2017-8-29
页数: 384
定价: GBP 20.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780241237199

内容简介  · · · · · ·

'All of us - not only scientists, industrialists and generals-should ask ourselves what can we do now to improve the chances of reaping the benefits of future AI and avoiding the risks. This is the most important conversation of our time, and Tegmark's thought-provoking book will help you join it' Stephen Hawking

We stand at the beginning of a new era. What was once science fic...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Max Tegmark is a professor of physics at MIT and president of the Future of Life Institute. He is the author of Our Mathematical Universe, and he has featured in dozens of science documentaries. His passion for ideas, adventure, and an inspiring future is infectious.

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