

图书访客2024-06-25 17:06:00239A+A-
作者: Shepherd, Gordon M.
出版年: 2013-7
页数: 288
定价: $ 21.41
ISBN: 9780231159111

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Leading neuroscientist Gordon M. Shepherd embarks on a paradigm-shifting trip through the "human brain flavor system," laying the foundations for a new scientific field: neurogastronomy. Challenging the belief that the sense of smell diminished during human evolution, Shepherd argues that this sense, which constitutes the main component of flavor, is far more powerful and essen...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Gordon M. Shepherd is professor of neurobiology at Yale School of Medicine. He is the author of Creating Modern Neuroscience: The Revolutionary 1950s and the third edition of Neurobiology; editor of The Synaptic Organization of the Brain; and former editor in chief of the Journal of Neuroscience. Having made important contributions to the synaptic organization of the brain, his...

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