《The Fear of Barbarians》

《The Fear of Barbarians》

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作者: Tzvetan Todorov
出版社: University Of Chicago Press
副标题: Beyond the Clash of Civilizations
译者: Andrew Brown
出版年: 2010-10-30
页数: 248
定价: USD 27.50
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780226805757

内容简介  · · · · · ·

The relationship between Western democracies and Islam, rarely entirely comfortable, has in recent years become increasingly tense. A growing immigrant population and worries about cultural and political assimilation—exacerbated by terrorist attacks in the United States, Europe, and around the world—have provoked reams of commentary from all parts of the political spectrum, a f...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

茨維坦·托多洛夫Tzvetan Todorov是享譽國際的學者、評論家、史學家、哲學家,曾於法國與美國多所知名大學執教,同時也是法國國家科學研究中心CNRS之研究指導者。

著作等身,其中《惡的記憶、善的誘惑》Mémoire du Mal, tentation du Bien(法國Robert Laffont出版社:2000年)、《責任義務與甜美滋味—掮客的一生》Devoirs et délices : une vie de passeur(法國Seuil出版社:2002年)、《世界性的新失序狀態》Le Nouveau Désordre mondial(法國Robert Laffont出版社:2003年)、《絕對的探險家們》Les Aventuriers de l'absolu (法國Robert Laffont出版社:2005年)、《啟蒙時代精神》L...

目录  · · · · · ·

Introduction: Between Fear and Resentment
1 Barbarism and Civilization
2 Collective Identities
3 The War of the Worlds
4 Steering between the Reefs
· · · · · · ()
Introduction: Between Fear and Resentment
1 Barbarism and Civilization
2 Collective Identities
3 The War of the Worlds
4 Steering between the Reefs
5 European Identity
Conclusion: Beyond Manicheism
Afterword, 2010
· · · · · · ()
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