《Lambda-Calculus and Combinators》

作者: J. Roger Hindley / Jonathan P. Seldin
副标题: An Introduction 2nd Edition
出版年: 2008-6
定价: $ 113.00
ISBN: 9780511809835
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Combinatory logic and lambda-calculus, originally devised in the 1920s, have since developed into linguistic tools, especially useful in programming languages. The authors' previous book served as the main reference for introductory courses on lambda-calculus for over 20 years: this long-awaited new version is thoroughly revised and offers a fully up-to-date account of the subj...
目录 · · · · · ·
Preface1. The λ-calculus
2. Combinatory logic
3. The power of λ and CL
4. Computable functions
5. Undecidability
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1. The λ-calculus
2. Combinatory logic
3. The power of λ and CL
4. Computable functions
5. Undecidability
6. Formal theories
7. Extensionality in λ-calculus
8. Extensionality in CL
9. Correspondence between λ and CL
10. Simple typing, Church-style
11. Simple typing, Curry-style in CL
12. Simple typing, Curry-style in λ
13. Generalizations of typing
14. Models of CL
15. Models of λ
16. Scott's D∞ and other models
Appendix A1. α-conversion
Appendix A2. Confluence proofs
Appendix A3. Normalization proofs
Appendix A4. Care of your pet combinator
Appendix A5. Answers to starred exercises
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- 9条评论
Brady布莱迪2024-06-19 16:58:58
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Michael2024-06-29 12:07:43
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caleb2024-06-29 02:20:20
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Roderick罗得里克2024-06-26 01:49:43
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离岛║Bombastic2024-06-29 10:27:50
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゛偷腥的猫Gen2024-06-25 16:40:41
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Gerald吉罗德2024-06-27 14:35:11
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Youruinedmy°2024-06-22 04:31:34
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Nicholas人民的胜利2024-06-02 12:53:24
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