

视频访客2024-06-28 17:09:3681A+A-
导演: 吴郁莹 类型: 纪录片 制片国家/地区: 中国台湾 资源类型:阿紫百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 上映日期: 2020-07-31(中国台湾) / 2019-11-13(台北金马影展) 片长: 82分钟 又名: The Good Daughter IMDb链接: tt11079934   剧情简介: 双脚小儿麻痹的阿龙原本准备孤老一生,但坚持为他组成家庭的母亲,花费不少金钱及心力,从越南带回了阿紫。阿紫是爸爸最疼的女儿,生长在贫穷的越南农村,为了家人的生存,她同意嫁到台湾。阿龙知道阿紫为了家庭存续,牺牲了自己的一切,但家人的歧视和控制不住的脾气,让两人渐行渐远,在这个没有期待的海边小村,被捆绑的两人日复一日,没有尽头。为了完成家庭的束缚与期待,需要付出多大的代价?导演以阿龙和阿紫为中心,辐射出台湾社会潜在的传统价值观,迫于上一代的压力娶妻生子,在没有感情的基础下,与新住民的联姻造就无数破碎的家庭,以及单亲的下一代,最初要遵循的传统,反倒岌岌可危。 A staggering account of a migrant wife and mother in a small fishing village in Taiwan. Azhe has made the choice to sacrifice her own happiness to become the sole support for her family in Vietnam. A lens that never turns away from the truth reveals her complex relationship with her disabled husband; his devotion to her and their children and his inability to stand with her against his abusive mother and brother. The Good Daughter bears witness to a daughter's epic struggle that finds Azhe working two back-breaking jobs to build her parents a house with electricity and clean water; here the camera lays bare to a dilemma Azhe struggles to face. As her children grow older, can she continue to support her family in Vietnam unconditionally, or focus on her family in Taiwan?   阿紫.The.Good.Daughter.2020.HD1080P.中字.mp4(2.53GB 资源:迅雷云盘 提取码:ng6m 资源:百度网盘 提取码:v4dj
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