

视频访客2024-06-28 17:49:17249A+A-
导演: 管虎 / 郭帆 / 路阳 编剧: 管虎 主演: 张译 / 吴京 / 李九霄 / 魏晨 / 邓超 / 欧豪 / 邱天 / 周思羽 / 刘显达 / 石昊正 类型: 剧情 / 战争 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 / 英语 上映日期: 2020-10-23(中国大陆) 片长: 122分钟 又名: Sacrifice / The Sacrifice IMDb链接: tt13000980   剧情简介: 1953年,抗美援朝战争进入最终阶段,志愿军在金城发动最后一场大型战役。为在指定时间到达,向 金城前线投放更多战力,志愿军战士们在物资匮乏、武装悬殊的情况下,不断抵御敌机狂轰滥炸,以血肉之躯一次次修补战火中的木桥。一段鲜为人知的历史,在暗流涌动的金刚川上徐徐展开...... In 1953, the Korean War is entering the final stage. The People's Volunteer Army of China has launched the last major battle in Kumsong. In order to arrive at the battleground on time and deliver enough force to the Kumsong front line, the soldiers have to defend themselves against the never ending bombing of enemy bombers and race with time to repair bridges, all under the circumstance of supply shortages and inferior equipment. The rarely told history slowly unfolds.   金刚川.The.Sacrifice.2020.HD1080P.国语中字.mp4(3.18GB) 金刚川.The.Sacrifice.2020.HD1080P.国语中字.mp4(2.53GB) 金刚川.The.Sacrifice.2020.BD1080P.国语中字.mkv(2.06GB) 金刚川.The.Sacrifice.2020.HD1080P.国语中字.mkv(2.03GB 资源:迅雷云盘 提取码:wb6x 资源:百度网盘 提取码:wq9v
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