周震南《I Will Show You (Remastered ver.)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

周震南《I Will Show You (Remastered ver.)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-06-25 0:06:40856A+A-

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not

You'd better not forget your initial heart


反过来问自己那时候 Why did I start?

你最好不要等到 失去了 一切后

才明白你当初 Fighting for what


就心里默念着 That is enough

I hope I can be humble

I hope I can keep lie low

I hope I never lose my soul

Never out of control

I won't be afraid

I want to be the hunter not the prey

I won't be afraid

I want to be the hunter not the prey

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not



都离我远点 趁我现在还没有认真


No one can stop my ambition

Nobody can hurt me can't affect me

They can't change my purpose wow

Nobody can beat me nobody can catch me

That's because they're all typical

Nobody can bite me

Nobody can make me give up but except myself

Nobody can judge me nobody can interfere

Don't define me in a word

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not

In my last moments

I will show you who I really am

Before I give up myself

Don't try to make me stop it you'd better not



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  • Dtong2024-06-06 06:45:42
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