Steve Aoki/MONSTA X/Quintino《Play It Cool (Quintino Remix)》[MP3-320K/10.7M]百度云盘下载

Steve Aoki/MONSTA X/Quintino《Play It Cool (Quintino Remix)》[MP3-320K/10.7M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-06-30 3:36:04781A+A-

Hold tight for me, don't get comfy

My type I see, and I know that you know me

I move my feet, she follow me

Into the streets, there's a bar at the hotel

So let's go be the clientele

'Cause we look like the cartel

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm addicted to you right now

And I want you to stay 'round

Tell your powers to come down

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

There's something 'bout you

Baby, I like the way

That you keep moving 'round the place

And when you're dancing in my face

Oh, I just play it cool

Baby, I like the way

That you keep moving 'round the place

And when you're dancing in my face

Oh, I just play it cool

There's something about you

Baby, I like the way

That you keep moving 'round the place

And when you're dancing in my face

Oh, I just play it cool

Baby, I like the way

That you keep moving 'round the place

And when you're dancing in my face

Oh, I just play it cool



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