Nai Br.XX/Celeina Ann《Kiss Me》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Nai Br.XX/Celeina Ann《Kiss Me》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-06-30 3:19:40174A+A-

It's hard to be a normal person, that's just not me

很难去做一个普通人 因为那一点也不像自己

I'm writing a journal to keep my feelings hiding

我写着一本日记 里边藏着我所有的感情

I cross the bridge, what would I see?

穿越那座桥 上面写着什么

Want to see it dreaming my dreams

好想去看看 在我的梦里

Miracles, beautiful, here we go all the way

为了绝美的奇迹 启程吧 一路走下去

Running from my life


It's no use to keep holding back my thoughts

抗拒自己的情绪 又有什么用呢

It would be wrong if you're gone

没有你 我的世界将会乱成一团

Found my way through the stars

我会找到 那通往星光的大道

If I could reach to your heart

如果我能触及你的心扉 那该有多好

Money still can't buy me love


But there's still life when there's hope around

但你还有 生机和希望

Like a rainbow in the clouds, a gift from above

就像云端的彩虹 说不定会突然从天而降

Kiss me before sunrise

亲我 在日出之前

Or I'm leaving you tonight

不然 今晚我就要离开你

Knowing I've found a place

我的爱 将会找到一个归处

To stay and rest like that


Always stayin' forever, meant to be together

永远维持 就意味着 要在一起

If we could change this world


Today with you


If I was born to make you happy, I'd be ready

如果我天生就是 为了你的快乐而存在 那我已经准备好了

No matter how you feel, I'll always be your buddy

不管你怎么想 我永远都是你的好朋友

I found your way, our love was shining

寻到了你的踪迹 我们的爱在闪耀

Angels smiling, dreaming your dreams

在我的梦里 你的笑容像天使

Miracles, beautiful, here we go all the way

为了绝美的奇迹 启程吧 一路走下去

Yes, this is where I belong

是的 这就是我的归处

Been seeing all that is wrong


Not looking back and stay strong

不回头 保持坚强

Climbing up that big wall


Don't be afraid, you won’t fall

不要怕 你不会跌下去

Here's a friend, you are not alone

我就在这儿 你不是一个人

Let's make a wish and pass it around

我们许个愿吧 然后把这份愿望传递出去

Like the sun in the sky, a kind of glow

就像天空中的太阳 闪耀着光辉

Kiss me before sunrise

亲我 在日出之前

Or I'm leaving you tonight

不然 今晚我就要离开你

Knowing I've found a place

我的爱 将会找到一个归处

To stay and rest like that


Always stayin' forever, meant to be together

永远维持 就意味着 要在一起

If we could change this world


Today with you


A holy melody


Woke up this over me


I didn't want to stay in this world, ooh

我不想再待在这个世界 哦

No, not anymore

不 再也不要

Don't dare to say that


I know I love you


Now I know the reason here


Kiss me before sunrise

亲我 在日出之前

Or I'm leaving you tonight

不然 今晚我就要离开你

Knowing I've found a place

我的爱 将会找到一个归处

To stay and rest like that


Always stayin' forever, meant to be together

永远维持 就意味着 要在一起

If we could change this world


Kiss me before sunrise

亲我 在日出之前

Or I'm leaving you tonight

不然 今晚我就要离开你

Knowing I've found a place

我的爱 将会找到一个归处

To stay and rest like that


Always stayin' forever, meant to be together

永远维持 就意味着 要在一起

If we could change this world


Today with you



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