盘尼西林《She lost in dark (Live)》乐队的夏天 第11期 [FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

盘尼西林《She lost in dark (Live)》乐队的夏天 第11期 [FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-06-30 15:36:30988A+A-

Ok let's tell the story

Before we might get too much to drink

That was a night with cloudless sky

The north star shines with tender light

She was twisted and crazy

Singing she is undying

Such a lady so pretty

But her eyes were filled of misery

No no she doesn't exist at all

No no she doesn't exist at all

Sorry I'm lying

She was died that's the story

Oh dear look at there

She's smiling and dancing

When you see her faces as a real

Wouldn't you miss that old story at all

The ghosts are spread everywhere

They will take us away from the air

The true song was buried somewhere

But no one's there

It’s all disappeared



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  • 8条评论
  • Michael2024-06-19 04:10:14
  • 谢谢分享
  • 小鬼2024-06-06 15:37:48
  • 感谢谢谢

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