《The Novel Cure, An A-Z of Literary Remedies》

《The Novel Cure, An A-Z of Literary Remedies》

图书访客2024-06-30 15:58:51213A+A-
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作者: Ella Berthoud / Susan Elderkin
出版社: Text Publishing
出版年: 2013-8
页数: 456
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781922079350

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Sick? Tired? Lost your job? Take one dose of literature and repeat until better.

The Novel Cure is an A-Z of literary remedies that offers a cure in the form of a novel for all kinds of ailments of the mind and body, and life's general ups and downs. Whether you have stomach flu, low self esteem or are just stuck in a rut, this book will recommend a novel to help ease your pain...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

埃拉·伯绍德 Ella Berthoud,五岁时从德黑兰去往伦敦,旅途中靠在一辆Wolsey 1300的包裹架上开始阅读生涯。此后十三年间在各种不合时宜的地方读过书,比如在滑雪缆车和蹦床上。进入剑桥大学就读英国文学专业之后,她更是全身心地投入到了小说阅读中。

苏珊·埃尔德金 Susan Elderkin,2003年被《格兰塔》(Granta) 评选为二十位最杰出的年轻英国小说家之一。现从事小说写作,著有《日落巧克力山脉》(入围柑橘奖决选名单),以及《声音》(入围国际IMPAC都柏林文学奖长名单),同时教授写作、撰写书评。


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