

视频访客2024-06-25 11:06:50116A+A-
导演: 吴贻弓 编剧: 伊明 资源类型:城南旧事百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载 主演: 沈洁 / 张丰毅 / 张闽 / 郑振瑶 / 严翔 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 1983 片长: 88分钟 又名: My Memories of Old Beijing / South of the old IMDb链接: tt0085326   剧情简介: 《城南旧事》讲述了小女孩林英子(沈洁 饰)住在五十年前的北京南城,在他们家院子附近住着一个疯女人秀珍(张闽 饰),秀珍的丈夫因参与学生运动被杀,孩子也不知所踪,因此落下了疯病,时常把英子当做自己的孩子“小桂子”看待,英子也喜欢秀珍,答应帮她找回小桂子。英子有个苦命的小伙伴妞儿,学戏时常遭干爹打骂,英子偶然发现妞儿有小桂子的胎记,帮助她们母女相认。英子上小学后,一家人搬到了厂甸。在家门口荒废的院落里,英子发现了一个小偷(张丰毅 饰)藏赃的草堆,小偷为了供弟弟读书只得干不光彩的勾当,英子却不把他看作是坏人。不久,女佣苏妈返乡,父亲去世,英子的童年,彷佛一下结束了…… The film shows the society and life in Beijing in 1920s through the eyes of a 6 year old girl. Yingzi Lin moves to Beijing from Taiwan with her parents. They live in a lane in the southern part of the city. As an energetic but sensitive girl, she spends a lot of time hanging out with her friends. They run around the busy streets and lanes, and do a lot people watching. She meets all kinds of people, including a mad woman at the door of a guildhall, her playmate Niuer who was mistreated, a guy who steals to pay for his brother's tuition fees hiding himself in a deserted courtyard, Amah Song who was a wet nurse in her family and her loving father, a highly respected professor, who is seriously ill and dies of disease. After experiencing a bitter life, Yingzi leaves Beijing with her mother.   资源:阿里网盘 资源:夸克网盘 资源:迅雷云盘 提取码:jjmg 资源:百度网盘 提取码:3wto
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  • Carr凯尔2024-06-20 10:45:11
  • 不错不错感谢
  • Dream2024-06-09 13:54:30
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