

图书访客2024-06-26 0:14:2165A+A-
作者: Henkes, Kevin
出版社: HarperCollins
出版年: 1991-9
页数: 32
定价: $ 19.20
装帧: HRD
ISBN: 9780688096991

内容简介  · · · · · ·

She was a perfect baby, and she had a perfect name. Chrysanthemum. When she was old enough to appreciate it, Chrysanthemum loved her name. And then she started school. "I'm named after my grandmother," said Victoria. "You're named after a flower." Chrysanthemum wilted. Life at school didn't improve. In fact, it got worse. Then the students were introduced to their music teacher...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

凯文·汉克斯(Kevin Henkes)是美国著名童书作家暨插画家。汉克斯1960年出生于美国威斯康星州,自幼即展露绘画天份,十九岁开始创作童书,第一本童书《All Alone》在一九八一年出版之后,就踏上了图文创作的生涯。他以最真实的生活素材,写下一本又一本引起读者共鸣的好书。其作品最大特色,在于创作主题紧扣孩子的内心世界 ,反映出孩子的心声。他创作了一系列以老鼠为主角的作品,广受读者欢迎,成了家喻户晓的小老鼠明星,也为他赢得多项大奖。已出版的有《Chrysanthemum》、《Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse》、《Owen》等著名佳作,2004年他以小说《Olive's ocean》得到美国图书馆协会颁发的纽伯瑞大奖的银牌奖,2005年他更以《Kitten's first full moon》一书赢得凯迪克大奖的桂冠。

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