《Tom Jones》

《Tom Jones》

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作者: Henry Fielding
出版社: Wordsworth Editions Ltd
出版年: 1992-05-01
页数: 734
定价: GBP 1.99
装帧: Paperback
丛书: Wordsworth Classics
ISBN: 9781853260216

内容简介  · · · · · ·


《Tom Jones (Wordsworth Classics) (汤姆 琼斯)》讲述了:Tom Jones is widely regarded as one of the first and most influential English novels.It is certainly the funniest.Tom Jones,the hero of the book,is introduced to the reader as the ward of a liberal Somerset squire.Tom is a generous but slightly wild and feckless country boy with a weakness for young women.Misfortune,followed ...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding,1707年4月22日-1754年10月8日)英国小说家,戏剧家。其代表作品《汤姆·琼斯》对后世影响极大。


1707年菲尔丁生于英国萨默塞特郡,就读于伊顿公学。他的妹妹后来也成为了著名作家。菲尔丁写了一部浪漫小说,却因此引起了官司,之后他前往伦敦继续写作。1728年菲尔丁前往荷兰莱顿学习,回到英国之后,他开始为剧院创作剧本。他当时的一些作品对当时沃尔波尔爵士领导的英国政府进行了辛辣的讽刺,特别Golden Rump一剧,作家的讽刺功力初露锋芒,但也导致了1737年政府宣布实施剧院许可证法案。


目录  · · · · · ·

BOOK IContaining as much of the birth of the foundling as is necessary orproper to acquaint the reader with in the beginning of this history BOOK IIContaining scenes of matrimonial felicity in different degrees oflife; and various other transactions during the first two yearsafter the marriage between Captain Blifil and Miss BridgetAllworthy BOOK IIIContaining the most memorable transactions which passed inthe family of Mr Allworthy, from the time when Tommy Jonesarrived at the age of fourteen, till he attained the age ofnineteen. In this book the reader may pick up some hintsconcerning the education of children BOOK IVContaining the time of year BOOK VContaining a portion of time somewhat longer than half a year BOOK VIContaining about three weeks BOOK VIIContaining about three days BOOK VIIIContaining about two days BOOK IXContaining twelve hours BOOK XIn which the history goes forward about twelve hours BOOK XIContaining about three days BOOK XIIContaining the same individual time with the former BOOK XIIIContaining the space of twelve days BOOK XIVContaining two days BOOK XVIn which the history advances about two days BOOK XVIContaining the space of five days BOOK XVIIContaining three days BOOK XVIIIContaining about six daysGLOSSARYNOTES TO THE TEXT

BOOK IContaining as much of the birth of the foundling as is necessary orproper to acquaint the reader with in the beginning of this history BOOK IIContaining scenes of matrimonial felicity in different degrees oflife; and various other transactions during the first two yearsafter the marriage between Captain Blifil and Miss BridgetAllworthy BOOK IIIContaining the most memorable transactions which passed inthe family of Mr Allworthy, from the time when Tommy Jonesarrived at the age of fourteen, till he attained the age ofnineteen. In this book the reader may pick up some hintsconcerning the education of children BOOK IVContaining the time of year BOOK VContaining a portion of time somewhat longer than half a year BOOK VIContaining about three weeks BOOK VIIContaining about three days BOOK VIIIContaining about two days BOOK IXContaining twelve hours BOOK XIn which the history goes forward about twelve hours BOOK XIContaining about three days BOOK XIIContaining the same individual time with the former BOOK XIIIContaining the space of twelve days BOOK XIVContaining two days BOOK XVIn which the history advances about two days BOOK XVIContaining the space of five days BOOK XVIIContaining three days BOOK XVIIIContaining about six daysGLOSSARYNOTES TO THE TEXT
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