沈恩著作等身,包括:Choice of Techniques, 1960、Collective Choice and Social Welfare, 1970、On Economic Inequality, 1973、Poverty and Famines : An Essay on Entitlements and Deprivation, 1981、Choice, Welfare and Measurement, 1982、Resources, Valu...
沈恩著作等身,包括:Choice of Techniques, 1960、Collective Choice and Social Welfare, 1970、On Economic Inequality, 1973、Poverty and Famines : An Essay on Entitlements and Deprivation, 1981、Choice, Welfare and Measurement, 1982、Resources, Values, and Development, 1984、Commodities and Capabilities, 1985、On Ethics and Economics, 1987、Hunger and Public Action, 1989、Inequality Reexamined, 1992、The Quality of Life, 1993、India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity, 1995、Social Choice Re-Examined, 1997、Development as Freedom, 1999、Freedom, Rationality, and Social Choice: The Arrow Lectures and Other Essays, 2000、Rationality and Freedom, 2002、The Argumentative Indian, 2005、Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny (Issues of Our Time) , 2006、Mismeasuring Our Lives: Why GDP Doesn't Add Up, 2010、Peace and Democratic Society, 2011。