

视频访客2024-07-18 17:13:44910A+A-
导演: 李路 编剧: 阮景东 资源类型:北平会馆百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 主演: 吴大可 / 朱梓瑜 / 刘亦彤 / 上淇 / 杜东 / 彭朝辉 / 段志峰 / 周岳龙 / 曹艺 类型: 悬疑 / 恐怖 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 2020-08-21(中国大陆) 片长: 98分钟 又名: Beijing Guild Hall   剧情简介: 月黑风高,女鬼出没!京城四大凶宅之一的北平会馆内,邪灵魅影飘忽不定,诡秘的二胡声一响,必有人魂飞魄散,尖叫毙命!连环死亡名册引发阵阵恐慌,每位在会馆横死的人,都将被记录在册。躲在暗处的难解之谜、无法破除的死亡诅咒、如厉鬼磨牙吮血的骇人夺命二胡声、不翼而飞的尸体、光怪陆离的超自然现象死亡、令人凄神寒骨的人偶,让整个会馆氤氲着死亡气息。海归女法医神秘出现联手恐怖作家为解开迷局,不顾生死闯入会馆,却让事情变得更加扑朔迷离。北平会馆内毛骨悚然的二胡声从未停歇,怪诞诡奇的死亡依旧在继续………… The moon is dark and the wind is high. There are ghosts! In Beiping guild hall, one of the four most dangerous houses in the capital city, the ghost of evil spirits fluctuates. When the mysterious erhu sounds, someone must be scared out of his wits and scream to death! The serial death list caused panic, and everyone who died in the guild hall will be recorded. The mysterious mysteries hidden in the dark, the inexorable curse of death, the frightening sound of killing erhu by fierce ghosts grinding their teeth and sucking blood, the missing corpses, the bizarre death of supernatural phenomena, and the chilling puppets make the whole guild hall full of the breath of death. The mysterious appearance of returned female forensic medicine team up with horror writers to solve the mystery, regardless of life and death into the guild hall, but make things more complicated. The eerie sound of Erhu in Beiping guild hall never stops, and the strange death continues. 即将上映 即将上映 即将上映
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