

视频访客2024-07-18 21:16:0761A+A-
导演: 细川彻 编剧: 细川彻 主演: 松重丰 / 北川景子 / 山中崇 / 滨田岳 / 伊东四朗 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 资源类型:匹田先生,恭喜你太太怀孕了百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载制片国家/地区: 日本 语言: 日语 上映日期: 2019-04-13(北京电影节) / 2019-10(日本) 片长: 103分钟 又名: 引田女士,您怀上了! / The Hikita’s Are Expecting! / 添好孕(台) / 匹田家的孕事 IMDb链接: tt10091380   剧情简介: 《匹田先生恭喜你太太怀孕了》改编自同名小说,原著是基于主人公原型的匹田邦生的亲身经历完成撰写的。松重丰饰演片中努力奋斗的男主人匹田先生,北川景子饰演匹田先生的妻子,此外,还有滨田岳、伊东四朗等实力演员加盟。 A couple are perfectly happy to not breed and procreate. Thus their life is a content and unselfish one. He writes and admires his wife. However, she informs him that she wants a child. They try and try, but alas are not successful. It is time to visit a physician to unlock the fertility riddle. Well, he is the culprit it seems.   资源:百度网盘 提取码:rwdg
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